Articles in category: Return and Refund Policy - Page 2

Conditions of Returns and Customer Requirements Clauses

When you're selling online, be it physical goods, digital products, or services, you should always have a Return and Refund Policy on your website. A Return and Refund Policy sets out...

Payment Terms Clauses for Terms and Conditions Agreements

If you sell goods or services through a mobile app or a website, then you should draft and publish Terms and Conditions with comprehensive payment terms. Payment clauses set out your...

Return Policy for Dropshipping

If you run a dropshipping business, you should provide a Return Policy so customers know what happens if they're unhappy with a product they receive. There's no standard format for what...

Sample Return/Refund Policy Template

If you run an ecommerce store, or you sell goods and services to customers, you should draft a Refund Policy and publish it on your website either as a standalone...