Articles in category: Cookie Consent - Page 1

Cookie Consent Outside of the EU

If you sell goods or services to EU residents, and you want to use non-essential cookies to collect their personal data, then you need their consent before using such cookies....

Video: What is a Cookies Policy

If you've ever wondered how websites remember your login details, or how items in your online shopping cart stay there while you shop, it's not magic. It's actually all because...

Cookies Opt-Out and Management Clauses

A cookies opt-out and management clause lets people disable the cookies they don't want businesses to install on their browser or device. It's an essential clause in any Privacy Policy...

ePrivacy Directive

The ePrivacy Directive (ePD), also known as the "Cookie Law," is an EU directive designed to protect people's privacy when they go online. If you're a business operating within the...

Examples of Cookie Notification Messages

If you use cookies on your website, you should use cookie notification messages to inform people about your cookie policies before they use your site. Although cookie notification messages, or cookie...

FAQs About Cookie Consent

Cookies can be confusing. What are they anyway, and when do you need someone's consent to collect personal data using cookies? We provide the answers to these commonly asked questions and...