Articles in category: Disclaimers - Page 2

What is a Copyright Disclaimer?

A copyright disclaimer is a notice that discloses who created or owns a particular piece of content, when it was created, and that it's copyrighted. In addition to asserting the owner...

Disclaimers for Advertising

Advertising disclaimers are short statements displayed on advertisements that declare that the content is an ad. These disclaimers help protect a business from various types of legal claims, while also...

Fair Use Disclaimers

In the United States, you can use copyrighted works without permission so long as the use falls within the definition of "fair use." If you plan on using copyrighted material...

Video: What is an Affiliate Disclaimer

As affiliate marketing has grown, so has the attention given to it by bodies like the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Now, it's recognized as a form of advertising and is...

Meeting Recording Disclaimers

If you plan on hosting an online meeting through any type of video conferencing platform and you want to record the meeting, then you must get the consent of the...

Amazon Affiliates Disclaimer Policy

If you're an Amazon Affiliate or Amazon Associate, you need an Affiliate Disclaimer on your website. This disclaimer tells people that you're part of the Amazon Associate Program, which means...