
Privacy Policies for Mobile Apps

If you run a mobile app that collects personal information from the app users, you need a Privacy Policy to comply with legislation around the world. Even if your app...

Cookie Consent Examples

If you run a website that uses cookies, you likely need to notify your site visitors of your use of cookies and get consent to do so. In this article, we'll...

Where to Add Privacy Policies on Websites/Apps

Regardless of where your business and customers are located, you almost certainly need a Privacy Policy if your mobile app or website collects, stores, or processes personal data. If so, it's...

Privacy Policies Versus Terms and Conditions Agreements

The main difference between a Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions (T&C) agreement is that a Privacy Policy exists to protect your clients, while a T&C agreement exists to protect...

AdMob, Your App and Your Privacy Policy

So you've finally finished building your lovely new app and it's ready to be unleashed on smartphone and tablet users everywhere. Your app is everything you hoped it would be...

6 Key Articles of the GDPR

The GDPR is the most comprehensive data protection and privacy regulation to date. It establishes precise rules for how personal data is collected, transferred, processed, and stored. The regulation also...