Free Privacy Policy Generator
Generating a Privacy Policy for your website or app can be confusing and time-consuming. Worse, hiring an attorney to do the same thing will likely cost you $1000+. There's no one-size-fits-all policy template (no matter what our competitors say!), and your Privacy Policy needs to be tailored to your website or app to do the job right.
With our Free Privacy Policy generator, you don't need to hire an expensive attorney or roll the dice on "borrowing" somebody else's template or copying & pasting a generic Privacy Policy. We can help you generate a customized Privacy Policy in around three minutes for free.
Privacy laws require you to have a Privacy Policy
Your business will need a Privacy Policy to satisfy country-level privacy laws. Don't worry if you're not an expert on these, just tell us the countries where your business is available in.
CPRA, CCPA & CalOPPA protect personal data belonging to residents of California. If you collect personal information online in the U.S, we'll make sure your Privacy Policy complies with CPRA, CCPA & CalOPPA laws.
GDPR controls data privacy in the EU. If your business operates within an EU member state or collects personal data from EU citizens, we'll generate a Privacy Policy that includes the necessary GDPR wording.
The rest of the world
Our Privacy Policies are adapted to be a fit with major privacy laws around the world to keep your business safe.
Our Privacy Policy Generator

Third-party services require you to have a Privacy Policy
Third parties usually require websites to have a Privacy Policy.
Analytics (Google Analytics, etc.)
If you monitor website traffic using analytics tools like Google Analytics, we'll make sure your website's Privacy Policy meets their Terms and Conditions requirements.
Payments (PayPal, Stripe, etc.)
If you accept payments from users on your website or app, we'll make sure to include the necessary text in your PayPal as required by PayPal, Stripe, etc.
Ads & Remarketing (Google Ads, Facebook, etc.)
If you either display ads in your website or app or run marketing campaigns (such as remarketing), you need to comply with various third-party requirements on what to include in your Privacy Policy.
Link to your Privacy Policy from anywhere
Use your custom generated Privacy Policy anywhere: on your custom website, on your Wix website, on your WordPress blog, on your Facebook Page, it doesn't matter. We host your custom Privacy Policy for free and you can link to it from your website.
Download your Privacy Policy
If you prefer to host the generated Privacy Policy yourself, you can download it to your computer. We'll make the generated Privacy Policy available to you in multiple formats: HTML, plain text (.TXT file), DOCX or PDF.